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S.T.E.M. In Action

From Growing Crops on Earth to Low-Earth Orbit and Beyond, it all happens in S.T.E.M.

Our Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programming provides youth access to STEM experiences with simple, fun, hands-on activities. Exposure to qualitative STEM programs is critical during the tween years, when young people’s natural curiosity drives interest and builds capacity for success in these disciplines. STEM has a broad instructional presence in the K-12 system, but engagement with STEM programs beyond school is critically relevant in laying the foundations for future careers valley youth may choose to pursue, once they realize the opportunities and possibilities that exist across the many professions that fit their interests. From growing food in the Wehe Grow Dome, to learning about the Earth and space in our STEM classroom, to our newly inaugurated Clubhouse Network site, the options for our members are growing all the time, allowing them to move beyond narrow curriculums and limited choices to discover just how amazing their world is and the possibilities their futures hold. While some projects may seem low-key, they actually teach our kids a lot about the world they live in and their own potential. One of our members built a model of the I.S.S.D. (International Space Station Dump). The program that the build originated from focused on the design of spacecraft and their various purposes; How they work, where they orbit, and why they are in orbit. Members were given time to design, name, and give a specific task to their spacecraft design. The goal of the project was to teach the members that there are many tasks left to think about in the realm of space and space travel. This space station in particular is designed after the I.S.S. but it is the I.S.S.D. (International Space Station Dump) waste removal station; the task of this station is to remove and recycle the tons of space debris that are orbiting the Earth. Projects like these give members practice using their research skills, exercising critical thought and creative design, as well as managing personal time and available resources in order to complete the project on-time with on-hand materials. Exploring space, technology, and the possibilities the future holds can also inspire our valley youth to achieve amazing things in their lives. Discover more about Science and Space with your Kids at NASA Kids' Club!



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