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Awesome Programming at the Northern Valley Club!

Our Northern Valley Club in Saguache (located at Mountain Valley School) has finished out their May programs on a high note. Check out all the Awesome things happening at the Club!

Kids on Giant Bolder under a sunny blue sky.

GoCo Trip: Our club members returned to Penitente Canyon. We practiced basic navigation and awareness skills. Members began the hike with a group stretch and then were often asked to repeat which trail they were on and the color of the trail marker, to keep track of how many staff and members were on the trails, and to frequently check-in with their peers. Staff were proud of members for making sure all on the hike were doing well and having a good experience. As a result of meeting Ms. Shawna's challenge, members who attended Friday hikes earned a Camel Pack. Members did well teaching each other how to set up their camel packs and hold each other accountable with appropriately managing their new equipment.

Lego Stop-Motion: Using the Stop Motion app on our Club iPads, members worked in teams to plan a story and create characters and props with Legos. Foxy Gets Lost and The Operating Room. 

Obstacle Course: Ms. Bethany Ridgeway, our AAI, planned a wonderful and challenging obstacle course in the gym involving hula-hoop hopscotch, jump rope, basketball, scooters, and disc golf. Each station had a dice with both a number and exercise to perform before members could move on to the next station. All members volunteered to complete the course at least twice, timed of course! Staff were very impressed to see older members teaching younger members how to jump rope, demonstrating exercises, and acting as coaches for others who did not give up at the basketball and disc golf stations.

Alamosa Club Visit: The Northern Valley Club safely journeyed through a spring blizzard to join the Alamosa Club in Friday programs. We played games, made Mother's Day gifts, dissected owl pellets, made buttons for our new camel packs, and visited with our Alamosa friends.

Family Night: Families joined us for popcorn, lemonade, and a mini "film-festival," of member's stop-motion films. Each member received a laminated certificate for their creativity and hard work. Parents were able to ask staff questions and play some of our favorite games in the classroom such as Jenga, Chess, and Uno. 

Kid crafted and decorated wands.

Wand-making with Ms. Allannah: Saguache Community Member, Ms. Allanah, led a wonderful "Wand-making" workshop. Each member chose a stick and craft materials to decorate their "wand." This was a reflective and personalized activity as each student chose paint, ribbon, tape, sequins, feathers, and other materials to transform their "wand" into something that represented them. Many members chose to add their family's favorite colors or add feathers to represent deceased pets. This was a wonderful Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activity about connecting to self and identifying values.

Dig Squad: The boys have taken it upon themselves to dig holes on the playground. Members of the "Dig Squad" plan, coordinate, and assist each other in digging a hole that is comfy enough to relax in. They also hold each other accountable to make sure each hole is filled before leaving the playground so that future students are safe to run and play without falling in.

Cardboard Things: In a self-led activity, many members decided that they should use cardboard to make forts and even a refrigerator with all the foods inside. Staff were impressed with their creativity.

VEGI Projects: Americorp Volunteer, Ms. Bea, has been preparing Mountain Valley School's Grow Dome so that our club can utilize the garden spaces every day this summer. She also started a mural on our shed so that members may contribute to it throughout the summer. Our members will be maintaining and adding to the school and community garden spaces. VEGI will be hosting a weekly garden-based lesson over the summer. We are super excited that VEGI will be our expert guide on gardening moving forward.

Plant Experiments: Ms. Bethany gave four groups all the materials to plant a seed. Did Ms. Bethany tell them what to do or what they were planting? NOPE. Members had to work together to use the materials given and follow the planting instructions to successfully rehydrate the soil puck and plant a seed. Later, we will use our plant knowledge to determine what types of plants are growing.

Programs like these help kids learn skills, inspire creativity, build confidence, and create opportunities to practice teamwork. Club programming keeps kids engaged and on a path of meaningful growth in a safe and caring learning environment.



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