Work-Based Learning Internships
This program provides candidates, ages 14-18, with meaningful career-focused learning experiences in a variety of fields. Program Directors will work with students in order to connect them with current organizations and employers who are active in their fields throughout the area.
Read the Below information to familiarize yourself with our program, then click the Internship Application Form button to start the process of discovering your future career!

Defining Internships​
An internship is any carefully monitored,
meaningful, career-based learning experience in which a sophomore or older student has intentional professional goals and reflects actively on what he or she is accomplishing throughout the experience.
What's Involved?
Creating, working towards & evaluating employment-based learning goals.
Scheduled Check-Ins with Supervisors.
College Credit (if desired).
$725 stipend for completing 75 hours of internship learning.
Flexible 12-week commitment.
Must be 14-18 years old.

What Else?​
Program Staff will work with students in choosing an internship opportunity that best meets their interests.
We will work with your supervisor to create a schedule. for site work or virtual work that fits with both the student and the employers needs.
Some additional, program-based training is involved for both the student & the supervisor.
Primary Contacts:​
Olivia Martinez |
Destinee McBride |